From Above, Alone

I was finishing up From Above, Alone for a personal art project when Illustration Friday’s topic for the week, Lonely, showed up in my email. I don’t submit often to IF because I’m usually too busy working on something else, but this seemed like a serendipitous perfect fit. Watercolor, ink and graphite on hot press paper.

From Above, Alone is a companion piece, albeit a sad one, to From Above, a painting I created in 2009.

If you’re a Facebook user, you can follow me there: The Gretchen Show on FB. 

Revisions to “Douglas has a Dilemma”

She loved books, birds and B movies

As I wrote parts 2 and 3 of the Douglas & Annie trilogy, it became clear to me that two pages in part 1, “Douglas has a Dilemma”, needed to be changed. I liked the words and images, but they did not really tell anything about Annie that wasn’t already obvious.  Click here to read the story with new images. And please do leave a comment if you are so inclined. I enjoy the feedback. I hope to have part 2, Douglas has a Dream, illustrated in the next month. :-/ There now, I’ve said it in print.

McKinney Avenue Contemporary Membership Show

The MAC’s annual membership show is always a hoot. They provide a theme so the show has some sort of cohesion. The talent pool ranges from excellent to eek! There are always several entries that give pause due to concept or execution, some that cause the stifling of snorts and at least one that attracts crowds, a cloud of the collective “Oh my God!”s gasped hanging above it.

The theme for this year’s membership show, held during August, was “gastronomia/erotica y estimulante” which means, errr… stimulating gastronomic erotica? The way the MAC put is “The inspiration for the 14th Annual Membership Exhibition is the interconnectedness of art, the anthropology of food and drink and its link to the sustenance and celebration of life and its mysteries. The experience and the art of gastronomy have inspired scores of artists, writers and filmmakers.”

Which means the gallery was lined with artwork full of images of food and naughty body bits. Hurrah! This was my contribution. The snooty title for the catalog was “Kypris & The Horn of Plenty” but some of my friends referred to it as “Plenty of Horn”.